To make a request to the Developer API, make a POST request to For example,
to verify a user token, you would make a POST request to
More info about all of the API actions available to you are given below.
Make sure to send all
of the parameters in POST data (unless otherwise stated).
The response will be in JSON format, like this: {"request": {...}, "response": {...}}. You can get more
info about the response formats below.
If there's an API action that you would like to use but you don't see here,
shoot us a message and we'll add it!
Most responses currently stringify most values by default. If you would like to turn this off, pass
stringify = 0
as a GET or POST parameter, like
General Actions
/v1/status — Check the status of the Polymart API
/v1/search — Search for a resource on Polymart
Actions for Minecraft Plugins
/v1/verifyPurchase — Verify that a give user has in-fact purchased
the given resource on Polymart
/v1/requestUpdateURL —
Request a URL that can be used to download the latest version of a resource.
This should be used inside of your resource (for example, in the .jar file of a plugin).
This will verify that the jar was actually purchased and downloaded from Polymart. If it was,
then you'll get a URL. Otherwise, this call will fail.
If you're looking for something that
can be used to download a resource on behalf of a user (for example, if you're a Minecraft
server host and want to give users access to download resources directly from your control
panel), you should use /v1/getDownloadURL instead
/v1/downloadLatestUpdate —
DEPRECATED use /v1/requestUpdateURL instead — A simpler alternative to /v1/requestUpdateURL which will download an update if one is available and all the security checks have been passed, or return an error otherwise
Actions for Resources
/v1/getResourceInfo — Get information about a resource
/v1/getResourceInfoSimple — Get a single, raw data point about a resource (no JSON encoding)
/v1/getResourceUpdates — Gets a list of updates to a resource
/v1/postUpdate — Upload a new version for one of your resources
/v1/getResourceUserData — Get info about a resource purchase for a given resource and user. DON'T use this if you want to verify a download. Instead, use /v1/verifyPurchase
/v1/addBuyer — Add a buyer to your resource by their username or user id
/v1/importExternalBuyer — Import a buyer from another platform to Polymart
/v1/addCouponCode — Add a coupon code to your resource
Actions for Resource Managers
/v1/generateUserVerifyURL — Generate a URL that can be used to verify a user (useful for verifying a discord account, etc)
/v1/verifyUser — After sending the user to the URL at /v1/generateUserVerifyURL, they'll get a token. Pass the token here to verify the user
/v1/getAccountInfo — Get information about a user based on their user ID. If you need to verify a user's user ID, use /v1/verifyUser
/v1/getUserId — Get a user's user ID from their username. If you need to verify a user's user ID, use /v1/verifyUser
Actions for Resource Authors
/v1/getUserData — get information about a user. This can only be used by resource authors
/v1/listBuyers — list buyers on a resource. This can only be used by resource authors
Actions for Hosts, Control Panels, and Platforms
/v1/authorizeUser — Get a token you can use to take actions
Polymart on a user's behalf. For example, for a hosting site to allow users to
download resources directly
/v1/verifyAuthToken — Verify that a token received from
/v1/authorizeUser is valid
/v1/invalidateAuthToken — Invalidate a token received from
/v1/getDownloadURL — get a URL that
you can use to download a resource from Polymart on a user's behalf. This is useful
for Minecraft server hosts
Check the status of the Polymart API.
If the Polymart API is up and running, the response body will be "ok", and the HTTP response code will be 200.
To validate that the API is up and running, make sure that the response body is "ok", and the response code is 200.
Any other responses indicate that something isn't quite working with the API. If the extremely unlikely event
that this happens, please send us a message and include the HTTP response code and response body,
and we'll work to resolve the issues!
Here's an example API call
Search Polymart for resources. In this API call, almost all parameters could either be in the
GET parameters of the request or the POST parameters (with the exception of
token, which must be a POST parameter).
query — optional —
Search terms that you would like to look up on Polymart. This will search through
titles and subtitles of resouces.
Everything that isn't a number, letter,
or space is automatically deleted.
sort — optional — how the results
should be ordered. For now, this can be "updated",
"created", "downloads", "random", and "relevant". By default, this is "updated"
premium — optional — if you pass a "1" for this
parameter, only premium resources will be returned. If you pass a "0", only free
resources will be returned. If you pass something else, or don't pass anything, then
resources will be returned regardless of whether or not they're premium.
referrer — optional — If you want to generate URLs with your
referral code in them, pass your Polymart User ID to this parameter .
start — optional — the index that searching should
start from. By default this is 0.
limit — optional — the maximum number of results that
can be returned. By default, this is 25, but you can set this to anything between 5 and
token — optional — if this is passed, it MUST be passed as a POST parameter.
If you have a token for a given user, you can pass it here. Then,
canDownload for each result
will be true if the user has purchased the resource and can download it, or false otherwise. If you don't
canDownload will always be false for premium resources
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result_count": <number>,
"more": <true/false>,
"next_start": <number>,
"total": <total resources matched>,
"remaining": <total resources remaining>,
"result": [
"id": <resource id>,
"url": <url>,
"owner": {
"type": <user/team>,
"id": <user or team id>,
"name": <username or team name>,
"url": <url to user or team profile>
"price": <price of resource>,
"currency": <currency of the price>,
"title": <resource title>,
"subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
"version": <version string>,
"creationTime": <unix timestamp>,
"lastUpdateTime": <unix timestamp>,
"supportedServerSoftware": <string or null>,
"supportedLanguages": <string or null>,
"supportedMinecraftVersions": <string or null>,
"donationLink": <string or null>,
"thumbnailURL": <url>,
"headerURL": <url>,
"canDownload": <true/false>
"...": <another resource>
"...": <another resource, etc>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result_count": 2,
"more": true,
"next_start": 2,
"total": 8,
"remaining": 6,
"result": [
"id": "1",
"url": "",
"owner": {
"type": "user",
"id": "1",
"name": "jojodmo",
"url": ""
"price": "16.00",
"currency": "USD",
"title": "Custom Items",
"subtitle": "Design Custom Items",
"version": "2.17.3",
"creationTime": "1739093448",
"lastUpdateTime": "1739286182",
"supportedServerSoftware": null,
"supportedLanguages": "English & Spanish",
"supportedMinecraftVersions": "1.8 - 1.16",
"donationLink": null,
"thumbnailURL": "",
"headerURL": "",
"canDownload": false
"id": "323",
"url": "",
"owner": {
"type": "team",
"id": "1",
"name": "Polymart",
"url": ""
"title": "Polymart Plugin",
"subtitle": "Auto Updater | Keep ALL your plugins up to date (including premium ones!) | Official Polymart Plugin",
"version": "1.2.6",
"creationTime": "1739093448",
"lastUpdateTime": "1739286182",
"canDownload": true,
"...": <the remianing info>
Keep in mind that thumbnailURL and headerURL are the
expected locations of the images. If the image
does not exist, you'll get a 404 error.
Here's an example API call
This only works for premium resources. We recommend that you
also verify the status of the Polymart API using
/v1/status first.
Verifies that a given user has in-fact downloaded a resource from Polymart.
The parameters can be provided either as GET or as POST parameters.
REMEMBER that a motivated attacker can always gain access to
the source code of your plugin, so if you're using this as a piracy check,
it only works as well as you can hide it. We recommend that you also use
Polymart's automatic obfuscator to combat piracy.
NOTE There are two options for verifying purchases. You can either provide
license and
resource_id in which case you don't have to provide the other placeholders.
Or, if you don't provide license, then ALL of the other parameters are required. If you do
not provide all of them, verification will always fail. In addition, this API
call will only work if the resource as downloaded from Polymart (and not if it was
purchased and downloaded on another marketplace). You can use the %%__POLYMART__%%
placeholder to check this.
license — the Polymart license key for this download.
You can use the %%__LICENSE__%% placeholder for this. You need to provide either this
license parameter AND
resource_id, or ALL of the parameters (other than license). Note this may contain non-url-safe characters, so should be URL encoded first
license_number — If you used one of the special numbered license placeholders, %%__LICENSE_n__%%, provide n here. For example, if you used %%__LICENSE_7__%% for license, this should be 7
inject_version — the version of the resource injector
for this download. You can use the %%__INJECT_VER__%% placeholder for this
resource_id — the ID of the resource in question.
You can use the %%__RESOURCE__%% placeholder for this
user_id — the ID of the user in question.
You can use the %%__USER__%% placeholder for this
nonce — the nonce given to the download by Polymart.
You can use the %%__NONCE__%% placeholder for this
download_agent — the agent that downloaded the resource from
Polymart. You can use the %%__AGENT__%% placeholder for this
download_time — the time the resource was downloaded from Polymart.
You can use the %%__TIMESTAMP__%% placeholder for this
download_token — the download token from Polymart.
You can use the %%__VERIFY_TOKEN__%% placeholder for this
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true
Use this to verify that a given resource download is authentic. For example, using the %%__LICENSE__%% placeholder
Or, using %%__VERIFY_TOKEN__%% and other placeholders
All of these parameters should be gathered from %%__PLACEHOLDERS__%% in your resource file.
Check the
Parameters section above to see which parameter to pass where
This only works for premium resources. If you'd like to build an auto-updater
for a free resource, go to the resource page and then click "Get Direct Download Link"
just below the "Post an Update" button. You can then use this link to provide a direct
link for users to download your resource.
Verifies that a given user has in-fact downloaded a resource from Polymart.
If they have downloaded the resource from Polymart, requests a download link
that can be used to download the resource.
The parameters can be provided either as GET or as POST parameters.
NOTE that ALL of these parameters are required. If you do
not provide all of them, verification will always fail. In addition, this API
call will only work if the resource as downloaded from Polymart (and not if it was
purchased and downloaded on another marketplace). You can use the %%__POLYMART__%%
placeholder to check this.
allow_redirects — Default is 0. Set this to 1 for much faster downloads, and the returned download url will do an HTTP redirect to the final download URL.
inject_version — the version of the resource injector
for this download. You can use the %%__INJECT_VER__%% placeholder for this
resource_id — the ID of the resource in question.
You can use the %%__RESOURCE__%% placeholder for this
user_id — the ID of the user in question.
You can use the %%__USER__%% placeholder for this
nonce — the nonce given to the download by Polymart.
You can use the %%__NONCE__%% placeholder for this
download_agent — the agent that downloaded the resource from
Polymart. You can use the %%__AGENT__%% placeholder for this
download_time — the time the resource was downloaded from Polymart.
You can use the %%__TIMESTAMP__%% placeholder for this
download_token — the download token from Polymart.
You can use the %%__VERIFY_TOKEN__%% placeholder for this
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result": {
"url": <url>,
"version": <version string>,
"expires": <unix timestamp>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result": {
"url": "",
"version": "2.7.12",
"expires": 1739286482
This is useful for auto-updaters for premium plugins. If the user is verified to have downloaded
the resource, you can use response.result.url to download the latest version of the resource.
However, this URL will expire at the unix timestamp given at response.result.expires.
You should check response.result.version to make sure that a new version is in-fact available
If the user did not purchase the plugin on Polymart, response.success will be false.
Use this to verify that a given resource download is authentic. For example,
All of these parameters should be gathered from %%__PLACEHOLDERS__%% in your resource file.
Check the
Parameters section above to see which parameter to pass where
This is a simpler version of
/v1/requestUpdateURL that either directly downloads an update or returns an error
This only works for premium resources. If you'd like to build an auto-updater
for a free resource, go to the resource page and then click "Get Direct Download Link"
just below the "Post an Update" button. You can then use this link to provide a direct
link for users to download your resource.
Verifies that a given user has in-fact downloaded a resource from Polymart.
If they have downloaded the resource from Polymart, and an update is available, this will download the latest update.
If they didn't download the resource from Polymart or an update isn't available, this will throw an error.
The parameters can be provided either as GET or as POST parameters.
NOTE that ALL of these parameters are required. If you do
not provide all of them, verification will always fail. In addition, this API
call will only work if the resource as downloaded from Polymart (and not if it was
purchased and downloaded on another marketplace). You can use the %%__POLYMART__%%
placeholder to check this.
greater_than_upload — download a a version greater than this upload ID.
You MUST use the %%__UPLOAD__%% placeholder to get the upload ID of the downloaded file
inject_version — the version of the resource injector
for this download. You can use the %%__INJECT_VER__%% placeholder for this
resource_id — the ID of the resource in question.
You can use the %%__RESOURCE__%% placeholder for this
user_id — the ID of the user in question.
You can use the %%__USER__%% placeholder for this
nonce — the nonce given to the download by Polymart.
You can use the %%__NONCE__%% placeholder for this
download_agent — the agent that downloaded the resource from
Polymart. You can use the %%__AGENT__%% placeholder for this
download_time — the time the resource was downloaded from Polymart.
You can use the %%__TIMESTAMP__%% placeholder for this
download_token — the download token from Polymart.
You can use the %%__VERIFY_TOKEN__%% placeholder for this
HTTP Response Code
Response Body
The user is a buyer on Polymart AND an update is available
The file of the latest update
No new updates are available
JSON. See Body for an invalid request below
The user could not be verified as a buyer
JSON. See Body for an invalid request below
The request was invalid for some other reason
JSON. See Body for an invalid request below
Body for an invalid request
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": "false",
"reason": <string>,
"message": <string>
This is useful for auto-updaters for premium plugins. If the user is verified to have downloaded
the resource, and an update is available, this endpoint will give you the latest update file, and give
an HTTP status of 200
If the user
If the user did not purchase the plugin on Polymart, they were removed from the buyers list, or
an update is not available, this endpoint will give an error HTTP status, and the body of the
response will be JSON that goes into further detail.
For example, a valid request might look like this (this will start a file download)
and an invalid request because there isn't an update available (HTTP Error Code 404)
All of these parameters should be gathered from %%__PLACEHOLDERS__%% in your resource file.
Check the
Parameters section above to see which parameter to pass where
Gets information about a resource.
api_key — optional — your API key. If you're the resource author, you can pass your API key here to get more info about the resource. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"resource": {
"id": <resource id>,
"title": <resource title>,
"subtitle": <resource subtitle>,
"price": <number>,
"currency": <3-digit currency code>,
"downloads": <number>,
"thumbnailURL": <url or null>,
"headerURL": <url or null>,
"creationTime": <unix timestamp>,
"supportedMinecraftVersions": [
<version 1>,
<version 2>,
"owner": {
"name": <string>,
"id": <user or team id>,
"type": <user/team>,
"url": <url to user/team>
"updates": {
"latest": {
"id": <update id>,
"version": <version string>,
"title": <update title>,
"description": <update description>,
"time": <unix timestamp>,
"snapshot": <true/false>,
"beta": <true/false>
"reviews": {
"count": <number>,
"stars": <float, max 5>
"url": <url>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"resource": {
"id": "4",
"title": "Item Bridge",
"subtitle": "Use one plugin's items in other plugins",
"price": "0.00",
"currency": "USD",
"downloads": 24716,
"thumbnailURL": "",
"headerURL": null,
"creationTime": "1587437238",
"supportedMinecraftVersions": [
"owner": {
"name": "jojodmo",
"id": "1",
"type": "user",
"url": ""
"updates": {
"latest": {
"id": "384",
"version": "2.0",
"title": "New methods for Developers",
"description": "This version brings a ton of exiting changes for developers",
"time": "1595888974",
"snapshot": "0",
"beta": "0"
"reviews": {
"count": 17,
"stars": 4.8235
"url": ""
Here's an example API call
Gets a list of updates to a resource
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
start — optional — the index that searching should
start from. By default this is 0.
limit — optional — the maximum number of results that
can be returned. By default, this is 25, but you can set this to anything between 5 and
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result_count": <number>,
"more": <true/false>,
"next_start": <number>,
"total": <number>,
"remaining": <number>,
"resource": {
"id": <resource id>
"updates": [
"id": <update id>,
"url": <url>,
"version": <version string>,
"title": <update title>,
"description": <update description>,
"time": <unix timestamp>,
"downloadReady": <true/false>,
"snapshot": <true/false>,
"beta": <true/false>
"...": <another update>
"...": <another update, etc...>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result_count": 2,
"more": true,
"next_start": 2,
"total": 8,
"remaining": 6,
"resource": {
"id": 4
"updates": [
"id": 6915,
"version": "3.1",
"url": "",
"title": "New "didSetBlock" listener",
"description": "This version adds a new "didSetBlock" listener for plugins",
"time": 1629520547,
"downloadReady": true,
"snapshot": false,
"beta": false
"id": 3212,
"version": "3.0.1",
"url": "",
"title": "New isItemStack(ItemStack, String) method",
"description": "This version adds the convenience method ItemBridge.isItemStack(ItemStack, String) for developers",
"time": 1614223914,
"downloadReady": true,
"snapshot": false,
"beta": false
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
Here's an example API call
Uploads a new version for one of your resources.
This must be sent as a multipart/form-data POST request. An example JavaScript/HTML form for submitting an update is included below.
api_key — your API key. This API key will need the "Post Updates" permission. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to post an update to. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
version — the new version string, like "1.0" or "2.6.7"
title — the title for your new update
message — the message for your new update. You can use BBCode here
file — the new file you're uploading.
beta (optional) — set this to "1" to mark this version as a beta version.
snapshot (optional) — set this to "1" to mark this version as a snapshot version
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>,
"file": <file error message>,
"version": <version error message>,
"title": <update title error message>,
"message": <update message error message>
"update": {
"id": <number>,
"version": <version used>,
"beta": <true/false>,
"snapshot": <true/false>
"resource": {
"id": <number>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"update": {
"id": 17263,
"version": "3.6",
"beta": false,
"snapshot": false
"resource": {
"id": 4
Use this to post an update to your resource. Here's a HTML/JavaScript implementation of the API action
(Remember: NEVER share your API keys)
New Version: <input type="text" id="update-ver"><br>
Update Title: <input type="text" id="update-title"><br>
Update Message: <input type="text" id="update-desc"><br><br>
File: <input type="file" id="file-input"><br><br>
<a href="#!" onclick="pushUpdate()">Send Update</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function pushUpdate(){
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(this.readyState === 4){
let json = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
// use the response json in "json"
};"POST", ``, true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); // It's important to set this
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("resource_id", "YOUR RESOURCE ID")
formData.append("version", document.getElementById("update-ver").value)
formData.append("title", document.getElementById("update-title").value)
formData.append("message", document.getElementById("update-desc").value)
formData.append("file", document.getElementById("file-input").files[0])
formData.append("api_key", "YOUR API KEY");
Gets information about a resource purchase for a given user.
DO NOT USE THIS FOR VERIFYING DOWNLOADS. To verify a download, use the /v1/verifyPurchase action.
All data must be sent as a POST request
api_key — your API key. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
user_id — the ID of the user that you'd like to check. To verify a user and get their user ID, use the
/v1/generateUserVerifyURL and
/v1/verifyUser actions
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"resource": {
"id": <resource id>,
"purchaseValid": <true/false>,
"purchaseStatus": <None/Manual/Imported/PayPal payment status code>,
"purchaseTime": <unix timestamp>
"user": {
"id": <user id>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"resource": {
"id": "4",
"purchaseValid": true,
"purchaseStatus": "Confirmed",
"purchaseTime": 1739286182
"user": {
"id": 664450
Adds a buyer to your resource.
All data must be sent as a POST request
api_key — your API key. This API key will need the "Add & Edit Buyers" permission. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
user_id — the ID of the user that you'd like to add as a buyer. To verify a user and get their user ID, use the
/v1/generateUserVerifyURL and
/v1/verifyUser actions.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"resource": {
"id": <resource id>,
"previousPurchaseValid": <true/false>,
"previousPurchaseStatus": <None/Manual/Imported/PayPal payment status code>
"user": {
"id": <user id>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"resource": {
"id": "4",
"previousPurchaseValid": true,
"previousPurchaseStatus": "Confirmed"
"user": {
"id": 323705
Imports a buyer from an external website (such as SpigotMC, BBB, etc) to Polymart!
All data must be sent as a POST request
After you import a buyer, the user can claim their license on Polymart by clicking the "Purchase" button
on your resource, and then "Already purchased somewhere else?" in the popup. For more info, go to the "Buyers"
tab on your resource, and click "Import Buyers" at the top.
api_key — your API key. This API key will need the "Add & Edit Buyers" permission. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
external_user_id — the numeric ID of the user from the external website, like SpigotMC or BBB.
external_user_payment_email — the email address the user used to PAY on the external website (Note that, for privacy, this is peppered and hashed before it's stored)
payment_transaction_id — the transaction ID from the original payment
external_site_name — the name of the external site, like "spigot", "bbb", or something else. This is just for tracking purposes.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"import": {
"id": <resource id>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"import": {
"id": "4"
Adds a coupon code to your resource. If the coupon code already exists, this modifies the coupon code.
All data must be sent as a POST request
api_key — your API key. This API key will need the "Add & Edit Buyers" permission. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's link on Polymart. For example, has the ID 4
coupon — the coupon code that you'd like to add or edit. This code must be between 3 and 30 characters long, and can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes, and is NOT case-sensitive
percent — the percentage off you want to give buyers when using this coupon. For example, '15' would be 15 percent off. Either this or
amount is required, and this can not bring the resource price below $0.75
amount — the amount off you want to give buyers when using this coupon. For example, '2.25' would be $2.25 off if the price were in USD. Either this or
percent is required, and this can not bring the resource price below $0.75
max_uses — the maximum number of times this coupon can be used. Setting this DOES NOT reset the current number of times the coupon has been used. Don't set this or set it to 0 to allow this coupon to be used unlimited times
delete — set this to "1" if you would like to delete this coupon code
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"message": <string>,
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>,
"coupon": <coupon code error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"message": "Coupon 'SECRET-COUPON' created"
This action generates a URL for verifying a Polymart user. To verify a user, call this action and then send the user to the URL in the response.
They'll be given a token you can use to verify their Polymart account. You'll pass this token to
/v1/verifyUser to verify the user
and get their user ID.
The token will match the rejex
not case sensitive)
The token that the user is given expires in 30 minutes. Make sure to verify it quickly!
For example, you could use this to verify users on your Discord server.
If you're looking to get access to a user's resources (say, if you're a server host and want to allow users to download their premium resources), use
/v1/authorizeUser instead
service — The unique name of your service — it's recommended that you use reverse-domain format for this to ensure uniqueness. For example, com.jojodmo.CustomItems or org.polymart.PolymartExample
nonce (optional) — For added security, pass a unique, random value here. This ensures that tokens can't be re-used. However, you'll need to pass the same nonce when verifying the user with the /v1/verifyUser action.
redirect (optional) — If you provide a URL here (must be url-encoded), the user will instantly be redirected to this location, and the GET parameter "token" will be set to the verification token.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result": {
"url": <url>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result": {
"url": ""
Here's an example API call
Here's an example API call with redirection
Gets information about either a user or team on Polymart
user_id — The user's ID, if you'd like to get information about a user. If you'd like information about a team, use team_id instead
team_id — The team's ID, if you'd like to get information about a team. If you'd like information about a user, use user_id instead
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
<user/team>: {
"id": <user or team id>,
"username": <user or team name>,
"discordId": <Discord user id>,
"type": <user/team>,
"profilePictureURL": <url or null>,
"statistics": {
"resourceCount": <number>,
"resourceDownloads": <number>,
"resourceRatings": <number>,
"resourceAverageRating": <decimal>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"team": {
"id": "1",
"username": "Polymart",
"type": "team",
"discordId": <Discord user id>,
"profilePictureURL": "",
"statistics": {
"resourceCount": 1,
"resourceDownloads": 200573,
"resourceRatings": 3771,
"resourceAverageRating": 4.8
Here's an example API call for a user
Here's an example API call for a team
Gets a user's ID given their username
username — The user's username
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"user": {
"id": <user id>,
"username": <username>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"user": {
"id": "1",
"username": "jojodmo"
Here's an example API call
Gets information about a given user.
DO NOT USE THIS FOR VERIFYING DOWNLOADS. To verify a download, use the /v1/verifyPurchase action.
All data must be sent as a POST request.
api_key — your API key. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
user_id — the ID of the user that you'd like to check. To verify a user and get their user ID, use the
/v1/generateUserVerifyURL and
/v1/verifyUser actions
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"resources": [
"id": <resource #1 id>,
"title": <resource #1 title>,
"subtitle": <resource #1 subtitle>,
"purchaseValid": <true/false>,
"purchaseStatus": <None/Manual/Imported/PayPal payment status code>,
"downloaded": <true/false>,
"purchaseTime": <unix timestamp or null>
"id": <resource #2 id>,
"title": <resource #2 title>,
"subtitle": <resource #2 subtitle>,
"purchaseValid": <true/false>,
"purchaseStatus": <None/Manual/Imported/PayPal payment status code>,
"downloaded": <true/false>,
"purchaseTime": <unix timestamp or null>
"...": "..."
"user": {
"id": <user id>,
"username": <username>,
"profilePictureURL": <url or null>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": "true",
"resources": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Custom Items",
"price": "16.00",
"currency": "USD",
"url": "",
"subtitle": "Make any item/block you imagine, without mods or replacing items",
"purchaseValid": true,
"purchaseStatus": "Confirmed",
"downloaded": true,
"purchaseTime": 1739286182
"id": "296",
"title": "MCJava",
"price": "4.00",
"currency": "USD",
"url": "",
"subtitle": "Run Java Code from the Chat u2022 Code plugins completely in-game",
"purchaseValid": true,
"purchaseStatus": "Manual",
"downloaded": true,
"purchaseTime": 1739286182
"id": "4",
"title": "Item Bridge",
"price": "0.00",
"url": "",
"subtitle": "Use items from one plugin with another plugin",
"purchaseValid": true,
"purchaseStatus": "Free",
"downloaded": true,
"purchaseTime": null
"user": {
"id": 163923,
"username": "AnonymousFox",
"profilePictureURL": null
"errors": []
Lists buyers on a resource.
DO NOT USE THIS FOR VERIFYING DOWNLOADS. To verify a download, use the /v1/verifyPurchase action.
All data must be sent as a POST request.
api_key — your API key. This API key must have "list resources & buyers" permission. If you don't yet have an API key, visit
your account settings to generate one.
Security Warning because an API key allows access to your entire account, you should never use it on client-side code. If you don't know what that means, don't use this action.
resource_id — the ID of the resource that you'd like to check. This is the number at the end of your resource's page. For example, has the ID 323
start — optional — the index that searching should
start from. By default this is 0.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"more": <true/false>,
"total": <total # of buyers>,
"remaining": <number remaining>,
"next_start": <provide for start parameter to get next page>,
"buyers": [
"userID": <user #1 id>,
"price": <price paid>,
"currency": <currency code>,
"status": <status string>,
"valid": <true/false>,
"fromBundle": <id of the bundle this was from, null if not from a bundle>,
"purchaseTime": <unix timestamp>,
"paymentProvider": <stripe/paypal/patreon/etc>
"userID": <user #2 id>,
"price": <price paid>,
"currency": <currency code>,
"status": <status string>,
"valid": <true/false>,
"fromBundle": <id of the bundle this was from, null if not from a bundle>,
"purchaseTime": <unix timestamp>,
"paymentProvider": <stripe/paypal/patreon/etc>
"...": "..."
"resource": {
"id": <resource id>
"errors": {
"global": <global error message>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"more": true,
"total": 8200,
"remaining": 1400,
"next_start": 194773,
"buyers": [
"userID": 1,
"price": "14.40",
"currency": "USD",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"valid": true,
"fromBundle": null,
"purchaseTime": 1739286182,
"paymentProvider": "paypal"
"userID": 4,
"price": "0",
"currency": "USD",
"status": "2024 Giveaway",
"valid": true,
"fromBundle": null,
"purchaseTime": 1705990692,
"paymentProvider": null
"resource": {
"id": 323
Request access to download resources on a user's behalf. If you're looking for something just to verify a user (say, for example, to verify buyers on your Discord server), use
/v1/verifyUser instead.
service — the domain from which you're going to make API calls.
For example, "" or ""
return_url — the URL that the user will be redirected to upon either
allowing or denying access to their account.
IMPORTANT: the domain for this URL
must exactly match the one given in
service. For example,
if your return_url is "", service must be "". Anything
else will cause an error.
return_token — Polymart must authorize you to use this parameter before
you do. If you haven't yet received authorization from us, please
Contact Us first.
Set this to "1" if you want this request to return "token" in response.result.
state — a secure, random string that can be used to verify that
the response you get in
return_url is in-fact valid. If this isn't random,
then an attacker could send an invalid token back to your service and trick you into
thinking that it is valid. This should only contain URL-safe characters, like
letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result": {
"url": <redirect url>,
"token": <token>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result": {
"url": "",
"token": ""
After making the request, redirect the user to the URL in
After the user either denies or accepts the request, they will be returned to the parameter
you gave for
If the user denies the request, they will be redirected and the POST parameter
success will be
If the user accepts the request, they will be redirected, and there will be two POST parameters
passed along:
success will be
1, and
will be the token you can use to make downloads on the user's behalf. The token will be less
than 255 characters long. Store this in a secure place.
The token will expire after a given amount of time, after which you will need to request authorization
from the user again. As of now, tokens expire every 365 days, but this could change.
If you set
return_token=1 notice that the API action also contains
This is the the token that will be validated by the user. You can use /v1/verifyAuthToken
to check whether or not the token is valid, and asynchronously verify the token.
Here is an example of a call to /v1/authorizeUser.
For example, you might make a request to
with the following POST parameters:
service =
return_url =
return_token = 1
state = LscHuCkeeTNmihJsRZERYrx0
Then, you would check that response.result.success is
true. If it is,
you would redirect the user to the URL in
The user would then be taken to a page on Polymart, and asked if they want to give your service
access to download plugins on their behalf. Once they enter their password and confirm the request,
the user will be redirected back to the
return_url you provided, and information
about the user would be passed along in the POST parameters.
In this example, the user would be returned to the URL
In the POST parameters, you'll see three things:
success will be 1 if the user confirmed the
request, and 0 if they didn't.
token will be a token that you can use to make
downloads on the user's behalf.
state will be
the same value as the one you
passed when you were making the original call to /v1/authorizeUser. If it isn't the same, then
you know an attacker is trying to trick you into thinking an invalid token is in-fact valid.
For example, you might get these values in the POST parameters of
success = 1
token = A6kVowCTKzdJcn9M0qZ55E7b
state = LscHuCkeeTNmihJsRZERYrx0
The token will be less than 255 characters long.
You should store the token in a
secure location, and you can later use this
token in other requests to the Polymart API. For example, you could pass this token along in the POST
data of
/v1/verifyAuthToken to verify that the token is valid and has not
Working Example
Here is a working example for a call to /v1/authorizeUser.
When you click the link, the following are also sent as POST parameters:
service =
return_url =
state = LscHuCkeeTNmihJsRZERYrx0 (a secure, random string)
If you open the link given in
response.result.url in your browser, you will see the results shown below.
These are sent as POST parameters back to whatever
return_url was set to (in this case, they're set as POST
parameters back to this page)
(nothing received yet! Visit the URL given in response.result.url to test out this API call)
Verifies a user's token.
token — a token for the user. This MUST be sent in the POST parameters of the request.
If you don't yet have a token for the user,
read about the
the /v1/authorizeUser action.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result": {
"success": true,
"user": {
"id": <user id>
"expires": <unix timestamp>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result": {
"success": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"user": {
"id": "72631"
"expires": 1741878182
Use this to verify that a token that you have for a user is valid and has not expired.
For example, when you click the link below,
the following are also sent as POST parameters:
token = eyJpZCI6Ijg1MTc3LjE3MzkyODYxODIiLCJ2YWwiOiJLRG1qWWlzTVBBMUFvdXduIiwic2J4IjoxfQ
Invalidates a user's token. For security reasons, you should call this if a user ever decides to un-link their Polymart account with your service.
token — a token for the user. This MUST be sent in the POST parameters of the request.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result": {
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"result": {
"message": "SUCCESS"
Gets a URL that can be used to download a resource on a user's behalf.
The resulting URL might do an HTTP redirect before the final download. Make sure that you properly handle redirects.
allow_redirects —
IMPORTANT BREAKING CHANGE — Set this to 0 to disable HTTP redirects from the download URL. The current default is 0. In the future, this will become 1 by default, and soon after, the option to disable redirects will be removed altogether.
resource_id — the ID of the resource that you would like to download on
the user's behalf. This is the number after /resource/ (and after the period) on a Polymart resource page. For example, has resource_id = "4"
token — a token for the user. It is recommended that you pass this as
a POST parameter for free resources, but it isn't strictly necessary.
This MUST be sent as a POST paramater for premium resources.
If you don't yet have a token for the user,
read about the
the /v1/authorizeUser action.
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": <true/false>,
"result": {
"url": <download url>,
"version": <version string>,
"expires": <unix timestamp>
"request": "...",
"response": {
"success": true,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"result": {
"url": "",
"version": "2.17.4",
"expires": 1739286242
After making the request, you may download the resource from the URL
In normal cases, this will start the download of the resource.
However, if the download can not proceed (either because the user does not have
permission to download the resource, or because the download link is expired),
then the URL will return a 400 Bad Request error, and the result will be a JSON
string containing an explanation of the problem.
For example, when you click the link below,
the following are also sent as POST parameters:
resource_id = 4
token = eyJpZCI6Ijg1MTc3LjE3MzkyODYxODIiLCJ2YWwiOiJLRG1qWWlzTVBBMUFvdXduIiwic2J4IjoxfQ